Ben Hill County Sheriff

The chief law enforcement officer in the county

Full office description

The County Sheriff is an elected official who acts as the chief law enforcement officer in their county. They are tasked with operating the county jails, keeping courtrooms secure during trials, and keeping the public safe through proper law enforcement. Each Sheriff's Office in Georgia may look a little different in how they hire and run their teams, but all County Sheriffs have the same duties. These duties include the following:

  • Operating the county jail
  • Providing court security
  • Serving civil papers
  • Executing arrest warrants
  • Providing primary law enforcement within unincorporated areas of the county
  • Working with city law enforcement officers to keep municipalities safe

The County Sheriff and their office are unique to other law enforcement agencies in that it has to answer to the people it serves. Historically, a turnover in the Sheriff’s office will likely result in noticeable change within the office, so voting for this office is a very effective way to vote approval or disapproval for how county law enforcement is conducted.

Election results


Lee Cone


4,578 votes

Michael Eugene Gaulden


1,855 votes

Last updated 4 months ago. Election results are still unofficial.

Candidates (2)

A profile picture of Lee Cone.

Lee Cone


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Michael Eugene Gaulden


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