Clinch Tax Commissioner
Oversees the taxing process in the county
Full office description
Tax Commissioners are elected at the county level, and their job is to oversee most phases of the taxing process. These responsibilities include billing, collecting, processing, and distributing taxes. They are generally in charge of property taxes, solid waste fees, public utilities, and renewing your vehicle tag. Notably, the Tax Commissioner does not determine how much taxes you pay. Because taxes are a source of revenue for counties, the tax commissioners’ work is ultimately beneficial to individual cities, education, transportation, and other local services. In addition to administering tax laws, the department is responsible for enforcing laws and regulations pertaining to the control of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in Georgia as well as motor vehicle license plate and title administration.
Election results
Jamie Stalvey Douglas
2,553 votes
Candidates (1)
Jamie Stalvey Douglas
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Jamie Stalvey Douglas is running for this race unopposed.Read profile