Kentucky Board of Education Member, Barbourville
Governs the local public school system and allocates the education budget.
Full office description
- Board of education members work as a team to lead the school district by setting policy, providing resources, and overseeing employees.
- The board of education is responsible for the local school budget. It reviews expenditures, allocates funds, and approves facility plans. The board may levy taxes if deemed necessary.
- The board of education hires and directly supervises the district superintendent.
- School board of education numbers are elected in staggered even-numbered years through a nonpartisan election and serve four-year terms. Most boards in Kentucky consist of five members.
- Independent school districts elect board members at large; county school districts elect board members from divisions.
- School board members do not receive a salary. They may be compensated for costs associated with state-mandated activities.
How this impacts you
Economic Growth — Board of Education members decide the school budget, including how much to pay teachers, how much to spend on classroom instruction, and which facilities and equipment to upgrade.
Student Wellbeing — Board of education members adopt the student behavior and discipline code, hold hearings to determine student expulsion, and can provide student support services such as mental health professionals or tutoring opportunities.
Election results
Jimmy Hinkle
718 votes
Blair Skidmore
458 votes
Jason Reeves
430 votes
Last updated 4 months ago. Election results are still unofficial.
Candidates (3)
Choose 2
Blair Skidmore
Jason Reeves
Jimmy Hinkle
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