Clermont County Common Pleas Judge
Serves as a judge on Ohio’s primary trial court.
Full office description
- The Court of Common Pleas handles criminal felony cases and civil cases where more than $5,000 is at stake.
- The courts are divided into four divisions: general, domestic relations, probate, and juvenile. Each specializes in different types of cases, such as civil and criminal trials, divorces and child custody matters, inheritances and adoptions, and juvenile offenses.
- Ohio has a court of common pleas in each of its 88 counties.
- Common pleas judges are elected to six-year terms in nonpartisan elections.
- Common pleas judges earn $163,792 annually.
How this impacts you
Public Health — Courts handle a wide range of legal, political, and moral issues, including recent cases like the ACLU's lawsuit against bans on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender minors.
Public Safety — Judicial decisions can either allow or prevent the implementation of gun restrictions.
Election results
Jason Nagel
70,689 votes
Last updated 4 months ago. Election results are still unofficial.
Candidates (1)
Jason Nagel
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Jason Nagel is running for this race unopposed.Read profile