Clinton County Clerk of Courts

Oversees the county's court records, judicial administration, vehicle titles, and finances

Full office description

  • The county clerk of courts serves as a record keeper, filing, processing, and maintaining all cases and documents submitted to the court of common pleas and the court of appeals, as well as keeping vehicle title records.
  • This position also includes the role of court administrator, overseeing the administration of the court and, in some counties, managing probate and juvenile courts.
  • The county clerk acts as a financial manager, handling the collection, investment, and distribution of funds from court fees, fines, and car sales tax.
  • As an employee manager, the clerk supervises a team responsible for carrying out these various duties.
  • The county clerk is elected through a partisan election for a four-year term, with a salary ranging from $67,344 to $113,071, depending on the county's population.

How this impacts you

  • Judicial EfficiencyThe efficiency of the clerk's office determines people's experiences performing jury duty, handling a traffic citation, or filing for divorce.

  • Property RightsWhen buying a car or boat, you will need the clerk’s office to issue the title as proof of ownership.

Election results


Cynthia R. Bailey


15,530 votes

Last updated 4 months ago. Election results are still unofficial.

Candidates (1)

A profile picture of Cynthia R. Bailey.

Cynthia R. Bailey


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Cynthia R. Bailey is running for this race unopposed.Read profile