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Madison Alderperson, District 10

Member of your city's legislative council

Full office description

  • Alderpersons serve on the on the city's Common Council. The Common Council passes city resolutions and ordinances, approves the city's annual budget, and sets tax rates.
  • They may be elected by city voters at-large or from specific districts in a non-partisan election.

How this impacts you

  • Quality of RoadsThe Common Council has the power to improve roads and build new ones through specific projects.

  • Housing & Urban DevelopmentThe Common Council can decide which housing developments to approve, require affordable housing, or set property tax rates.

Candidates (3)

A profile picture of Lisa Veldran.

Lisa Veldran

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A profile picture of Sheri Carter.

Sheri Carter

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A profile picture of Yannette Figueroa Cole.

Yannette Figueroa Cole

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