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2025 Wisconsin candidates

The following candidates ran for office in the Wisconsin February 18, 2025 election. You can click on any of the offices below to learn more about the candidates running.

You can also find a personalized list of candidates that will be on your ballot by clicking here.

Circuit Court Judge, Branch 7

Judge who handles majority of civil and criminal cases

Circuit Court Judge, Branch 4

1 candidate

Judge who handles majority of civil and criminal cases

Circuit Court Judge, Branch 3

1 candidate

Judge who handles majority of civil and criminal cases

Circuit Court Judge, Branch 16

1 candidate

Judge who handles majority of civil and criminal cases

Dane County Executive

Your county's chief executive officer

Circuit Court Judge, Branch 2

1 candidate

Judge who handles majority of civil and criminal cases

Dane County Supervisor, District 7

1 candidate

Member of your county governing board

How this impacts you

Public Safety


Dane County Supervisor, District 10

1 candidate

Member of your county governing board

How this impacts you

Public Safety


Eau Claire Alderperson

7 candidates

Member of your city's legislative council

How this impacts you

Quality of Roads

Housing & Urban Development

Circuit Court Judge, Branch 2

1 candidate

Judge who handles majority of civil and criminal cases

Showing races 110 out of 85