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Alex G Myers
Alex G Myers is running for Dawson Chief Magistrate.
Political background
Alex G. Myers is currently Chief Magistrate in Dawson County. He was appointed in 2023. He previously served as a Magistrate Judge for 3 years.
Professional background
Before becoming a Magistrate Judge, Alex previously worked as an attorney for the city of Cummings, Georgia and for private practices.
Personal background
Alex received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from the University of Georgia, a Master of Healthcare Administration degree from Georgia Southern University, and a law degree from Mercer University. He is married and has one son.
Legal Experience
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Ethics & Conduct
As of July 25, 2024, Alex G Myers did not have a website or any information online.
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Judicial Administration
As of July 25, 2024, Alex G Myers did not have a website or any information online.
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Community Involvement
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