Photo of Penny A. Penn

Penny A. Penn


Penny A. Penn is running for Georgia District Attorney, Bell-Forsyth.

Political background

Penny A. Penn is currently the District Attorney for the Bell-Forsyth Judicial Circuit, where she has been since January 2003.

Professional background

Penny is a lawyer. Penn was the Chief Assistant District Attorney for the Bell-Forsyth Judicial Circuit.

Personal background

She has a bachelor’s degree from Wheaton College and a law degree from Emory University School of Law.

Candidates (1)

These are the candidates running for this office.

Legal Experience

Is an elected state constitutional officer responsible for the prosecution of felony offenses committed in Forsyth County.

Was the Chief Assistant District Attorney for the Bell-Forsyth Judicial Circuit from November 1998 to January 2003, and was responsible for the prosecution of felony cases

Argued cases before the Georgia Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.


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Public Safety

As of July 25, 2024, Penny A. Penn did not have a website or any information online.

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Consumer Protection

As of July 25, 2024, Penny A. Penn did not have a website or any information online.

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