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Jeffrey L. Foster
Jeffrey L. Foster is running for Georgia Superior Court Judge, Alcovy.
Political background
Jeffrey L. Foster was elected Superior Court Judge in Alcovy Judicial Circuit in 2021 and is currently serving his first term.
Professional background
Jeffrey worked as the Chief Judge of Social Circle, Municipal Court before being elected as a superior court judge. He co-founded Foster, Hanks & Ballard, LLC and served as Firm Manager for 17 years. Jeffrey has served as Associate Judge in Walton County and Assistant District Attorney in Walton and Newton Counties.
Personal background
Jeffrey has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Delaware and a Law Degree from the University of Georgia. He is a youth soccer coach. Jeffrey is married to Kresta Greer Foster. They have seven children and two grandchildren together. He has lived in Walton County since 1991 and is a Monroe native.
Candidate website
Legal Experience
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Ethics & Conduct
As of March 19, 2024, Jeffrey L. Foster’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Judicial Administration
As of March 19, 2024, Jeffrey L. Foster’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Judicial Philosophy
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Community Involvement
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