Photo of Andrew J. Lewis

Andrew J. Lewis


Andrew J. Lewis is running for Seattle City Council Member, District 7.

Political background

Andrew J. Lewis is currently the member of the Seattle city council representing district 7. He was first elected in 2020 and has been in office for one term.

Professional background

Andrew is a lawyer. He used to be assistant city attorney for the city of Seattle and assistant deputy prosecuting attorney for King County.

Personal background

Andrew is originally from Seattle. He has a bachelor's degree in history and political science from the University of Washington, a master's degree in theory and history of international relations from the London School of Economics, and a law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He lives with his wife and their baby in West Queen Anne.

Candidates (2)

These are the candidates running for this office.

Transportation & Infrastructure

Supports building walkable 15-minute neighborhoods with more housing choices and amenities.

Wants to create more alternatives to driving by creating safe infrastructure to walk, while working to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries to zero by 2030.

As a city council member, he supported improving parks and open spaces.

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Housing & Urban Development

Supports the JustCARE program, which provides outreach and transitional housing to people experiencing homelessness, and supports more housing with supportive services for addiction and behavioral mental health conditions.

Wants to provide more affordable housing, including housing that is decommodified, such as social housing, which is rental units owned by the government or a nonprofit.

Said, "[w]e need to get people out of encampments and into stable housing immediately," and supports alternatives like tiny houses.


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Wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and increase electrification of heating and appliances.

Said, "[w]e are running out of time to combat climate change. Seattle must confront the emergency with housing planning that emphasizes dense, walkable communities, electrification of buildings, and safe, reliable public transportation."

As a city council member, supported getting community centers to zero carbon emissions.

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Public Services

As of October 17, 2023, Andrew J. Lewis’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Public Safety

Wants to address crime in high-crime areas of the district and, as a city council member, supported increasing the police presence in these areas.

Previously supported reducing the police department budget by 50%, but later said "50% was a mistake," and now supports fully funding the police department and jail.

Plans to create an alternative response system to 911 and supported creating a civilian behavioral health response to respond to mental health crises instead of the police.


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