Photo of Kenny Shook

Kenny Shook


Kenny Shook is running for Barrow County Commissioner, District 2, Republican Primary.

Political background

Kenny Shook is a previous county commissioner. He served as District 2 Commissioner from 2012-2016

Professional background

Kenny owns a business. He was a youth sports coach.

Personal background

Kenny has been a resident of Barrow County for over 50 years.

Candidates (2)

These are the candidates running for this office.

Public Services

As of March 23, 2024, Kenny Shook did not have a website or any information online.

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Supports "Maintaining a budget that does not require tax increases."

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As of March 23, 2024, Kenny Shook did not have a website or any information online.

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Public Safety

As of March 23, 2024, Kenny Shook did not have a website or any information online.

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Housing & Urban Development

Supports "providing the highest level of essential services at the most affordable cost to the citizens of Barrow County."

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Transportation & Infrastructure

As of March 23, 2024, Kenny Shook did not have a website or any information online.

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