Photo of Rocky R Marsh

Rocky R Marsh


Rocky R Marsh is running for Muscogee County Commissioner.

Political background

Rocky R Marsh's campaign for County Commissioner in Muscogee County is his first entry into politics.

Professional background

Marsh is a federal employee serving as a budget analyst on Fort Moore and owns Fountain City Parade Float Rentals. Previously, he was an Air Traffic Controller in the U.S. Army and later worked as a Transition Assistance Program Career Counselor.

Personal background

Marsh holds an Undergraduate Degree in Human Resources, a Graduate Degree in Educational Leadership, and a Doctorate in Education, all from Trident University International. He resides in Columbus, GA with his wife and is a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He serves as president of the Fountain City Mardi Gras Association and is on the Chair of the Alpha Onward & Upward Foundation Scholarship.

Candidates (4)

These are the candidates running for this office.

Public Services

Supports environmental activities, such as community clean-ups and free paper shredding events.

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Supports growing small businesses.

Said legislative goals are "wide economic development, talent retention, and sustained municipal support."

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Supports educators.

Provides scholarship opportunities to students as the President of the Fountain City Mardi Gras Association.

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Public Safety

Opposes gun control.

Promotes motorcycle safety.

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Housing & Urban Development

As of April 23, 2024, Rocky R Marsh’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Transportation & Infrastructure

As of April 23, 2024, Rocky R Marsh’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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