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Avis E. Williams
Avis E. Williams is running for Newton Tax Commissioner, Democratic Primary.
Political background
This is Avis E. Williams’s first entry into politics.
Professional background
Avis is the owner of a Newton County environmental, health, and safety consulting firm.
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Personal background
Avis is from Newton County, Georgia and graduated from Newton County Comprehensive High School. He holds bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Emory University and a master's of divinity, and a doctor of ministry degree from Emory University's Candler School of Theology. She serves as the community liaison for the Putnam County Charter School System and is a former member of the Keep Covington and Newton Beautiful committee, and former chair of the Sandhill/Tex Alley Community Reunion program. She also founded a mentoring and tutoring program in partnership with Oxford College at Emory University.
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