Photo of Herman "Drew" Andrews

Herman "Drew" Andrews


Herman "Drew" Andrews is running for Georgia State Senator, District 34, Democratic Primary.

Political background

Herman "Drew" Andrews ran for the Georgia House of Representatives, Distrct 75 in 2022 and 2023, but did not win.

Professional background

Drew has served a development manager of a non-profit focusing on Homelessness for 16 years. He also served in the Army for 21 years. He also serves as the President of a non-profit organization that focuses on the economic success of African-Americans in the Atlanta area.

Personal background

Drew received an MBA degree from Clark University. He is a father.


Advocates for a living wage for all, "especially for those who were previously incarcerated."

Plans to implement initiatives to "unleash our economic capabilities, fostering growth, and prosperity for every citizen."

Promises to address affordable housing struggles.


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Energy & the Environment

As of March 19, 2024, Herman "Drew" Andrews’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Plans to develop legislation expanding Medicaid, believing that "COVID has exposed our vulnerabilities and Medicaid for all in our community is vitally important."

Said, "The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the stark inadequacies in our healthcare system... I am committed to ensuring that every resident of District 34 has the health support they need and deserve."

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Voting & Elections

Plans to "fiercely protect" voting rights, ensuring that "every voice is heard, every vote is counted, and the democratic principles we hold dear are upheld."

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Public Safety

Said he wants to implement criminal justice reforms to address "issues of fairness, equity, and accountability" and install a legal system focusing on "rehabilitation rather than punishment alone."

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Wants to federally fund public education, saying that "all students [should] have access to quality education regardless of their socioeconomic background."

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