Photo of Nate Green

Nate Green


Nate Green is running for Georgia State Senator, District 38, Democratic Primary.

Political background

Nate Green's campaign for state senator is his first entry into politics.

Professional background

Nate is a Senior Policy Advisor for an Atlanta City Council member and has previously served as a Chief of Staff and LGBTQIA+ Relations Liaison. He is also the owner of two small businesses. He has served as an Executive Director for multiple churches.

Personal background

Nate is an ordained minister and a board member for a Ugandan NGO focused on mental health and economic development. He moved to Atlanta after high school.


Plans to use Georgia's tech investment opportunity to boost the economy, education, infrastructure, and job market, while ensuring corporations contribute fairly and tap into the local talent pool.

Supports infrastructure updates to accommodate growth, ease traffic and stress, and increase economic benefits for businesses, workers, and families.

Plans to invest in transit with bonds, fund incentives, and motor fuel taxes.


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Energy & the Environment

Plans to prioritize environmental protection and preservation of Georgia's nature preserves.

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Supports access to abortions contraceptives, and IVF (In vitro fertilization).

Wants to use surplus tax dollars to expand the public healthcare system in Georgia.

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Voting & Elections

As of March 19, 2024, Nate Green’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Public Safety

Plans to prioritize child safety, advocate for the prosecution of violent offenders, strengthen sex crime laws, clear rape kit backlogs, and address the fentanyl crisis through bipartisan efforts.

Supports establishing clear protocols and training, increasing accountability, and mandating intervention against excessive force, for police officers.

Supports gun control such as improving Georgia's NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) system, ensuring responsible gun ownership, and introducing an early warning system and mandatory door stop devices in schools.


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Supports investing in children's education from early childhood to career readiness, by expanding childcare, pre-K, fully funding schools, and increasing HOPE (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally) grants.

Supports updating and fully funding Georgia’s Quality Basic Education Formula.

Wants to establish Permanent Teacher Pay Increases.


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