Photo of Parker Sloan

Parker Sloan


Parker Sloan is running for Buncombe County Commissioner, District 3.

Political background

Parker Sloan currently serves as a Buncombe County Commissioner, representing District 3. He was first elected in 2020 and is serving his first term.

Professional background

Parker is the director of community and economic development at Cypress Creek Renewables. Previously, he was a business evelopment associate at FLS Energy and a medical legal partnership liaison at Pisgah Legal Services.

Personal background

Parker is originally from the Winston-Salem area. He earned his bachelor's degree in community and regional planning from Appalachian State University and his master's degree in public policy analysis from Western Carolina University. He lives with his wife, Maia, and 2 children in Buncombe County, North Carolina.

Candidates (1)

These are the candidates running for this office.

Public Services

As of June 14, 2024, Parker Sloan’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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As of June 14, 2024, Parker Sloan’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Supports joint public and private investment in pre-K education and believes universal pre-K is an urgent need, and plans to increase classroom slots and establish more preschool teachers.

Supports raising teacher pay to match the rising cost of living and ensuring safe, modern school buildings, and as a county commissioner, voted to increase supplemental pay for educators.

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Public Safety

Believes "we cannot arrest our way out of addiction, poverty and mental health issues" and supports medication assisted drug treatment programs.

As a county commissioner, supported the expansion of emergency medical services like the Community Paramedic Program to deliver medication assisted treatment to those struggling with addiction.

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Housing & Urban Development

Supports increasing housing development in urban areas and along transportation corridors, investing in public transportation, and ending suburban commercial sprawl to preserve land and balance the economy.

Supports collaboration between County Commissioners and Asheville City Council to establish a low-barrier shelter offering mental health services and addiction treatment for the homeless.

Supports increasing housing options and addressing the affordability crisis through infrastructure investment and zoning reforms.

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Transportation & Infrastructure

Supports expanding public transit, walkable communities, and mobility options while opposing wider, faster roads to reduce car trips and ensure safe streets, and believes these policies will make living and working in Buncombe County easier and more affordable.

Supports the electrification of homes and a transition away from the use of fossil fuels.

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